
Laatste nieuws

Danslessen: Diversiteit en plezier bij Martial Arts Center Den Haag


Salsa on 2

Heels and Performance Class

Sensual Movement (Ladies Only)

Afro Dance for kids

Afro Dance

Afro Dance Workout

Ladies Solo Salsa on 2

Heels for Beginners (Ladies Only)

Slow And Sexy (Ladies Only)

Afro & Dancehall Femme

Afro & Dancehall

Afro and Dancehall

Geen lessen gepland

Afro and Dancehall Femme


Afro Dance


Afro Dance for Kids


Afro Dance Workout

Geen lessen gepland



Femme Fusion



  • 10:30 - HoelahoepDe hoela hoep is één van de leukste en meest veelzijdigste fitness attributen. Je kan er mee dansen, fitness oefeningen mee doen, eindeloos trucjes leren en tot wel 400 calorieën per uur mee verbranden! Alhoewel hoepelen veel inspanning vereist, geven de vloeiende en ritmische bewegingen juist ontspanning, het wordt dus ook als holistische sport gezien. Bij de Native Americans wordt de hoepel zelfs als heilig gezien, en hoopdance als helend. Hoepelen motiveert je creatief denkvermogen en vergroot het lichaams bewustzijn, doordat we de hoepel vanaf elke centimeter van het lichaam leren manipuleren. Het is dus een total body work out! (ladies only) - Zaal 5


Geen lessen gepland

Ladies Solo Salsa


Salsa on 2 / Mambo

Geen lessen gepland

Sensual Movement

  • 20:30 - Sensual MovementI started this course for females that want to get more in touch with their bodies & learn to express their sexuality. As we incorporate female empowerment I want to create a safe space for all women that will join this class. Because emotion stores itself in the body it is proven to be extremely helpful to move your body and express. Together we learn to love all our different shapes & forms. You can bring your heels at any time you want, and you can also start without. This makes this course beginner friendly and for all women from 18-60. Hop in at anytime and enjoy this ride to inner freedom through sensual movement. (ladies only) - Zaal 5
  • 21:30 - Sensual MovementI started this course for females that want to get more in touch with their bodies & learn to express their sexuality. As we incorporate female empowerment I want to create a safe space for all women that will join this class. Because emotion stores itself in the body it is proven to be extremely helpful to move your body and express. Together we learn to love all our different shapes & forms. You can bring your heels at any time you want, and you can also start without. This makes this course beginner friendly and for all women from 18-60. Hop in at anytime and enjoy this ride to inner freedom through sensual movement. Heels and Performance Class (ladies only) - Zaal 5
  • 18:15 - Sensual MovementI started this course for females that want to get more in touch with their bodies & learn to express their sexuality. As we incorporate female empowerment I want to create a safe space for all women that will join this class. Because emotion stores itself in the body it is proven to be extremely helpful to move your body and express. Together we learn to love all our different shapes & forms. You can bring your heels at any time you want, and you can also start without. This makes this course beginner friendly and for all women from 18-60. Hop in at anytime and enjoy this ride to inner freedom through sensual movement. (ladies only) - Zaal 5
  • 20:30 - Sensual MovementI started this course for females that want to get more in touch with their bodies & learn to express their sexuality. As we incorporate female empowerment I want to create a safe space for all women that will join this class. Because emotion stores itself in the body it is proven to be extremely helpful to move your body and express. Together we learn to love all our different shapes & forms. You can bring your heels at any time you want, and you can also start without. This makes this course beginner friendly and for all women from 18-60. Hop in at anytime and enjoy this ride to inner freedom through sensual movement. High Heels for Beginners (ladies only) - Zaal 5
  • 20:30 - Sensual MovementI started this course for females that want to get more in touch with their bodies & learn to express their sexuality. As we incorporate female empowerment I want to create a safe space for all women that will join this class. Because emotion stores itself in the body it is proven to be extremely helpful to move your body and express. Together we learn to love all our different shapes & forms. You can bring your heels at any time you want, and you can also start without. This makes this course beginner friendly and for all women from 18-60. Hop in at anytime and enjoy this ride to inner freedom through sensual movement. (ladies only) - Zaal 5
  • 21:30 - Sensual MovementI started this course for females that want to get more in touch with their bodies & learn to express their sexuality. As we incorporate female empowerment I want to create a safe space for all women that will join this class. Because emotion stores itself in the body it is proven to be extremely helpful to move your body and express. Together we learn to love all our different shapes & forms. You can bring your heels at any time you want, and you can also start without. This makes this course beginner friendly and for all women from 18-60. Hop in at anytime and enjoy this ride to inner freedom through sensual movement. Slow and Sexy (ladies only) - Zaal 5
  • 14:00 - Sensual MovementI started this course for females that want to get more in touch with their bodies & learn to express their sexuality. As we incorporate female empowerment I want to create a safe space for all women that will join this class. Because emotion stores itself in the body it is proven to be extremely helpful to move your body and express. Together we learn to love all our different shapes & forms. You can bring your heels at any time you want, and you can also start without. This makes this course beginner friendly and for all women from 18-60. Hop in at anytime and enjoy this ride to inner freedom through sensual movement. Beginners (ladies only) - Zaal 5



Dansles volgen op Martial Arts Center

Bij Martial Arts Center Den Haag geloven we in de kracht van dans om mensen samen te brengen en hun leven te verrijken. Onze danslessen zijn ontworpen om een breed scala aan interesses en niveaus aan te spreken, zodat iedereen de kans krijgt om zijn of haar passie te ontdekken en te groeien. Van salsa tot streetdance, onze ervaren instructeurs zorgen voor een vriendelijke en uitnodigende omgeving waar je je op je gemak voelt en in je eigen tempo kunt leren en ontwikkelen.

Onze danszaal van 210m2 biedt een ruime en comfortabele omgeving voor al onze danslessen. Als lid van Martial Arts Center Den Haag krijg je niet alleen toegang tot onze danslessen, maar ook tot onze vechtsportlessen, waardoor je een gevarieerd en uitgebalanceerd trainingsprogramma kunt volgen.

Bij ons staat inclusiviteit en persoonlijke groei voorop. We moedigen iedereen aan om deel te nemen aan onze danslessen, ongeacht leeftijd, geslacht of achtergrond. Onze instructeurs zijn geduldig en ondersteunend en zorgen ervoor dat elke deelnemer zich gewaardeerd en geholpen voelt.

Dans heeft niet alleen fysieke voordelen, zoals verbeterde coördinatie, flexibiliteit en kracht, maar het kan ook helpen om je zelfvertrouwen, doorzettingsvermogen en sociale vaardigheden te vergroten. Bij Martial Arts Center Den Haag geloven we dat dans een belangrijk onderdeel is van een gezonde en gelukkige levensstijl.

We nodigen je uit om deel te nemen aan onze diverse danslessen en de voordelen van sporten in een veilige en stimulerende omgeving te ervaren. Sluit je aan bij onze hechte en ondersteunende gemeenschap en ontdek de kracht van dans om je leven te transformeren.